Friday, July 16, 2010

Health Plans Must Provide Some Tests at No Cost

Health care is a popular topic these days. It's written about in the news, talked about on television, and discussed by anyone and everyone with an opinion concerning politics. It seems like we've gone through countless months of promises of reforms and complaints from the public, however, as The New York Times reports, we are now one step closer to the more easily accessible health care plan that many seek. On Wednesday the White House laid down new rules that will force health insurance companies to offer free coverage for many types of preventative care. This includes processes such as vaccinations, cancer screenings, blood pressure tests and even counseling to help quit smoking -- which will cut health care costs for a large percentage of Americans and hopefully encourage them to get the proper treatment that they need. While some people may not think this is that big of a reform, studies have shown that the public is only using these preventative services at half of the rate of doctor recommendations -- most likely due to the build up of cost that can occur. Without the daunting doctor bills it is extremely possible that the public will more so utilize these health services and help America take one step further in creating a better nation.

This article is extremely worth the three minutes of reading time (or sixty seconds of skimming), as it mentions many more free preventative services that will be available to the public. Furthermore it is very important to spread the word of these changes so that everyone will (hopefully) be more inclined to go out and seek the appropriate health care for themselves and their loved ones.

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